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Content Collection Reports
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Appsettings Enviroment: Production
Follow the steps below to generate the report of your choosing.
Step One:
Enter Passcode
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Customer Support
Step Three:
Select Content Library
HealthClips Library
Step Two:
Select Report
Content Catalog
Generate a complete listing of the educational resources available via your facility's subscription. This list includes the names of the resources, the type of resource (print or video), the available languages, and video length. Best practices include presenting this list during staff meetings, posting on your intranet and in your staff lounge.
Available for HealthClips customers only.
Content Descriptions
Generate a document showing brief descriptions for all resources available through your subscription to a specific content library.
HealthClips subscribers can use this tool to generate patient-specific or department-focused descriptions.
Ideal for use throughout the patient stay or at discharge to assign specific learning objectives and educational resources applicable to the patient.
HealthClips subscribers can use this tool to generate patient-specific or department-focused checklists.
Step Three:
Select Media Type
Step Four:
Select Content to Include in Report
Make Content Selection